- 10msemianechoicchamber
- 5msemianechoicchamber
- 3msemianechoicchamber
- MicrowaveAnechoicchamber
- Movabletestchamber
- Cispr25
- Shieldedroom
10m Semi Anechoic chamber
EMCT-10 is a semi-anechoic chamber designed in accordance with the test distance 10m, including the main anechoic chamber, shielding control room and amplifier room (optional conduction test shielding room) for compatible radiation immunity test(in 3m distance) and radiation emission test in 10m or 3m distance.
Our 10m chamber can come with the mandatory regulation contained in the following standards, such as CISPR, EN, IEC and GB, GJB, FCC.
넶1 ¥ 0.00
5m Anechoic chamber
EMCT-5 is a semi-anechoic chamber designed in accordance with the test distance 5m, including the main anechoic chamber, shielding control room and amplifier room (optional conduction test shielding room) for compatible radiation immunity test(in 3m distance) and radiation emission test in 5m or 3m distance.
넶1 ¥ 0.00
Movable shielding room
EMC developed high-performance, portable, compact testing reverberation Chambers
reverberation Chambers (RVC), this product is mainly aimed at shielding
effectiveness measurement for electrical connectors designed and built.
Removable RVC is a compact, high-performance portable RF test small shielded
rooms, is ideal for cable testing, military and civil products.넶2 ¥ 0.00 -
Anechoic chamber
Anechoic chamber, also known as fully anechoic chamber (Fully anechoic chamber, called FAC), used to simulate free-space environment, anechoic chambers and feel the most obvious is the dark side of the six inside the shield structure are laying absorbing material, the purpose is to All the reflected waves (including diffraction, scattering waves) is reduced to a minimum.
넶1 ¥ 0.00
Portable test chamber
LaplaCells provide a facility for the rapid and efficient testing of the EMC compliance of products. These cells offer a calibrated and screened environment in which radiated emissions can be measured and immunity to RF radiation can be tested. They exceed the requirements of IEC61000-4-20, thus affording compliant testing to IEC61000-4-3 and pre-compliance testing for radiated emission testing.
넶1 ¥ 0.00
Vehicle components/modules test chamber
The vehicle components/modules test chamber is a semi-anechoic chamber designed in accordance with the requirement of standard, which can be used to fulfill compatible radiation immunity test(ISO11452-2,SAEJ1113) and radiation emission test(CISPR25). Typically it includes the main anechoic chamber, shielding control room and amplifier room.
넶2 ¥ 0.00
Shielded room
Shielded room is electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the important content areas, isolate external electromagnetic interference shielding room, ensure the indoor electronic and electrical equipment is working properly. Especially in the measurement of electronic components, electrical equipment, testing, the use of electromagnetic shielding room (or darkroom) Analog ideal electromagnetic environment, improve the accuracy of test results.
넶1 ¥ 0.00